Hammond kids attended RYLA camp and then joined the Hammond club luncheon to share what they learned.
This past weekend a group of young Hammond leaders braved the rain, the chilly temps and a weekend without cell phones in order to attend an intensive, high school leadership camp. Alexis Ortiz (Clark High School), Eric Rubio (Morton High School), Indya Lewis (Hammond High School), Jadiyah Davis (HAST), Kealeigh Goreham (HAST), Lia Witherspoon (Morton High School), Matthew Wallington (Gavit High School) and Maxwell Wolf (Gavit High School) all had the opportunity to attend Rotary Youth Leadership Camp (RYLA), based on recommendations from their principals and guidance counselors. Students were recommended for showing leadership potential and were then required to complete extensive applications, which were then reviewed by the Hammond Rotary Club.
On April 30, 2019, the RYLA participants attended lunch with the Hammond Rotary Club to share their experiences. Several of the students shared that it was the best experience of their entire lives. Days were filled with networking and leadership development activities while the evenings were spent in cabins, sharing deep thoughts and listening to music until "lights out". Students noted that they truly enjoyed meeting kids from other parts of the state, making new friendships and overall being surrounded by kindness. Other students spoke excitedly about the desire to start Interact clubs in their schools so they can share the message of "Service Above Self". President Dave Mays praised the students and their desire to advance their leadership skills. "Wherever you end up in the world, hopefully back here in Hammond, use what you've learned and teach it to others." said Mays.